February 01, 2008

it's been a month now

saw "the soup" earlier. this show's hilarious and its crappy velvet's only saving grace imo. the host guy so dissed tyra--funny ha-ha

am still pissed about the change in the channel line up though. crap! crap! crap! it's a good thing solar was generous enough to free-up some of their channels. that way, i can still get my daily dose of E!news, Ellen, and the Today show. i miss jackTV though (american dad, family guy, Conan, Jay)

ive heard a lot have changed cable providers already. libet's family for one have destinized so to speak. but switching to destiny is not an option for me since im living at my kuya's place and it's his cable subscription we're using not mine. add to that, destiny doesn't carry some of the channels that i like. take star world (greys, ai) for example and axn (amazing race asia). then there's cinema one as well.

i remember years back when the star channels pulled out from sky. i was extremely pissed back then too. then there was this time when discovery and animal planet did the same thing. both times sky caved as a result of the en masse migration of their subscribers and brought said channels back to their fold. but not without raising their rates afterwards though.

back when i was still living solo, i used to subscribe to cablelink their rate was around 500 bucks. with sky however, the monthly fee is around 900. totally unfair! especially since cablelink offer more channels compared to sky. i wonder why ntc can't regulate these rates. it's so open to abuse.

with this recent solar pull out, im thinking sky wont be caving in anytime soon even if they wanted to. the tiff with star and discovery before was allegedly due to sky's outstanding payables. with solar i think the reason's more complicated. read here. rumor also has it that sky's pretty miffed with solar for giving pacman to gma. this, after the gentleman's agreement they reached regarding the matter.

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