November 11, 2007

meet my boys

Like I said in my previous post, here's a "patikim" of my new series
My apologies for the crappy images, these are just screencaps from my word file

Of course, the layouts you see here are just something I did and its not how the books are gonna turn out later. They'll be using the guys here as reference for their illustration though. Yipee!

I'm glad Ms. Tere let my request slide. You see they've stopped accepting pics for cover reference. For the time being at least because they have a slew of illustrations in stock that they have yet to use. But since my guys needed to be shirtless to go along with my proposed layout, she took my case as an exception

Just so you'd know, I changed CJ's pic. I'll be submitting something different from the one you see here. That's coz I realized Victor Basa's face is a tad recognizable if you know what I mean.

November 10, 2007

tweak day

How d'ya like the new look? I've been meaning to change the layout for my site for months now but kept side-stepping on the project since it's not really a priority. So what changed? Last week, I finally submitted the sixth installment for my latest series. Six is my halfway marker since I comitted to writing 12 all in all. Long story short, you could say this layout change is my way to treat myself for the feat.

Hah! Who am i kidding?

It's the same old story. I'm stumped again. So what else is new? I'm trying not dwell on that aspect much as I write this post since I feel all I do here is complain about my writer's block. But I guess it has to be said. You see, I've been working on the seventh story for three days now and I can't seem to get past chapter one. My body is more than willing but my brain doesn't want to cooperate. And so, to appease my hankering fingers, I gave it something mindless to do. After uploading the remaining pics I have stored in my drive--I'm talking about asstd 500+ pics here including my collection of cover ideas --I then began working on the gfx for this site and my multiply site as well. Personally I like my layout there better primarily because it's not too pa-tweetums. I had to go with pink here because I used the typewriter pic above as anchor.

Sidenote: Notice the bar thingy to the right? It doesn't go with the pink and green color scheme because I didn't bother with the html/css codes anymore. I just changed the gfx. Like I said, mindless. Working on the codes calls for some flexing of my cerebral muscle and I can't have that.

Sidenote again: If my HS English teacher Mrs. Pereyra could read this she'd probably have a fit... talk about a run-on sentence! And talk about flight of ideas!! I swear, I really do have the attention span of a six year old. I guess that's why I find it soooo difficult to focus.

So where were we? Heck, even I don't know anymore! LoL There you have it, that's my brand of "lost in thought" for you! Har-har-har.

Hey, I wanna give you a patikim of my new series in case you're interested. It's called "Dream Team" and the commonality is, all my heroes are basketball players. I'll up the unedited teasers in a bit or tommorow maybe.

November 02, 2007

back to back

congrats sis!

too bad you weren't able to make into a series like you originally planned... sayang

and it's a good thing too that our plan of me continuing where you left off didnt push thru.. a back to back is a tough act to follow. just think, after having back to back RCs and then in comes my toka and then it turns out to be a dud. yikes! nakaka-dyahe

again congrats, so proud of you!!